No Smoking Sign


I made this no smoking sign for a good friend who’s got a gallery in which someone lit a cigarette once. Why would they do that? In a gallery? Why? That is clearly a bad idea. This sign will be good for other contexts too though. This sign that’s also a reduction linocut. Yay!

If you want one you can buy it through academic gallery, or from me directly.

I haven’t made a sign for a while and I’m excited to make some more. It’s really fun. I made some signs with woodcut for a show I had a couple of years ago… it feels good to continue that. This one’s got some lovely translucent ink, it kind of whispers and yells at once. I really like that stuff.

Fun! Art! Fun!

Take care of yourself out there in the world.


No Smoking Sign

Lake Print

Hey yall,

I’m working on a fun woodcut and wanted to show you some process stuff.

This is of Timothy Lake, in which I spent a few days this last summer, and I’m using wood I found in lake eerie (and other wood). Lake print! Oosh I’m excited.

Here’s what’s happening so far…   


Ok back to the cutting wood and rocking out thing. Have a great week!


“We can’t buy more time, cuz time won’t accept out money.” -bad religion

Back in nyc


I’m back in nyc, teaching again and getting back into the working too many jobs. Woo! Glad to be back!

I’ll post some adventure and printmaking pictures soon, but wanted to post a couple of new mixed media friendship bracelet sculptures to tide you over. As usual they are primarily recycled or reused materials of personal topical significance. Bad pictures, on an off white wall (eesh), but you get the gist of the direction they’re headed. Fun changes!

I hope you had a wonderful summer.



PS In the meantime my instagram account has way too many summer adventure pictures… you can look at that. It’s my whole name (well most of it). Same title as the blog.

Canary ❤️s Coalmine

Two Lakes and a Waterfall. Broken, Mending

Printing and stuff

hi there!

So, as usual I’m printing in my time between jobs. I have too many jobs. But I get to print sometimes so it’s ok.

Here are some sweet shots of the drying rack last time I printed… Gimme a couple days and I’ll fill that thing back up again, fast!

Hope spring is treating you nicely wherever you are.



Constrained, this Friday!

For immediate release: 

CityLife is pleased to announceCONSTRAINED, a group exhibition curated by Shannon McBride, featuring the work of: 

Erica Bailey
Margaret Lee
Robert Levy
Gayla Martin
Shannon McBride
Marissa Molina
Katie Simpson Spain 
Melissa Walker

Please join us for the opening reception Friday, May 8, 6-10pm 
CityLife 125 1st Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302

On view from May 8 – 29, 2015 

Take PATH train toward Journal Square. 
5-minute walk from Grove Street station.

CONSTRAINED presents eight emerging artists’ work within the context of the constraints that each artist faces in creating, displaying and supporting their creative work. Lack of space, time constraints, shortage of opportunities and financial limitations are just some of the many issues dealt with. The work on view acknowledges these obstacles, and the artists embrace them as part of their processes. Curated specifically for this unique venue, the curatorial concept also considers the contributing constraints of CityLife as an exhibition space. Primarily a community center and church, CityLife hosts events daily, as well as providing office space to a local business, and serves as an exhibition space and music venue. 

The choice of multi-disciplinary artists reflects the eclectic nature of this multi-purpose space, and its own blurred boundaries. Each of the artists in CONSTRAINED maintain diverse practices, employing some combination of installation art, animation, sculpture, printmaking, photography and more. Consequently, none of the artwork in this show falls neatly within the category of a straightforward, easily displayed drawing or painting. The boundaries between mediums are blurred, and limitations pushed.

For more information visit:    


Lino Fun!


I’m working on a reduction linocut of memories of a beach I like in my hometown, Santa Cruz ca. 

I’ll finish printing early next week… Put the 2nd (ish… It’s hodgepodge rainbow roll gradient fun) color today. Gotta cut up the block again. Yay!!!

Here’s a sneak peak!

Also a picture of ink because ink is wonderful.

Take good care, out there.







I’ve been busy with travel and work so haven’t been posting here. Happy 2015!

I recently made some friendship bracelets out of plastic bags, and wanted to show you. Fun! I’ve got more in process too (and some newer ones made from different things, but that’s for a different time). Here are a couple I’m happy with for now…

And some pictures from my recent travels.

Have a great end of winter folks.


PS Look I updated my Nurture Art Registry page:

TightLet's go swimming.path gold sunset

Prints about swimming.


I’ve been making drypoints and etchings about places I swam this year. There are more in the works… and this is just a little selection of what I have. But I wanted to give you a peek.

Hope your fall is fabulous!


PS I was having trouble putting up pictures so these are weirdly cropped details of only a couple prints. So you’ll have to see the prints in person, in a fort like installation. Very soon at a secret gallery location in queens. Check back for details.

ps these prints are pretty small.



New Books


I’m not very bloggy this year, eh!?!

Well, anyways, I finished a couple of books. Here are pictures!

The first one is a west coast palimpsest of drawn, collaged, painted, collected items: a road trip map story, in code. It’s called “weird diary”.

The second, “toolbox”, is a collection of cyanotypes of a wide variety of my tools. By wide I mean wide: wrenches, keys, phone, knives, sponges, nails… with an accompanying poemstory about their sorts of uses. Disconnecting, holding fast, etc.

And I’ve been busy making prints about places I recently swam. And practicing drypoint and etching, which I haven’t done for a good long while. I’ll post some when this series beefs up a little.

Happy impending autumn lovely!






