Print that!

Heyyyy! How’re you?

This last term of grad school had been so crazy fun! A million things at a million miles an hour. A million! Yep.

Through all the other good stuff I’ve been working in a group printing an edition of fancy prints for awesome artist Nicola Lopez. Its part of a cool program at city college called City Editions led by masterprintmaker genius Megan Foster. Nicola Lopez has a fantastic show up at Pace Prints right now which you should see if you can! Wonderful prints that push the media in exciting directions. Look her up! The project I’ve been working on combines woodblocks, etching, collage and embossing, and will culminate in 2 prints, in editions. It’s been really fun and a great experience to learn how printshops produce editions with artists. A totally different methodology than just printing for oneself. But the efficiency I’ve honed through this certainly crosses over into the prints I am making in my own practice. Also I have made some really good friends! And will help more artists print because of this! So it’s like the best thing ever.

I’ve been really excited about printmaking lately! I got to TA a great relief (lino mostly) class for Carl Fudge who’s paintings and prints you need to look up! He and the class were wonderful! I loved working with those people, lots of great prints came out if that class and the smart students! Also I’ve been pulling 2×4 prints! What I mean by that is I carve and print 2×4 boards. I also have done large plywood, and am working on another board (the dimensions of which is around 1x12x40). I have to hand print them, so they take a while, and muscle, and its been awesome. I use the print shop at City when no one else is around and listen to loud music, it’s really fun!!!

In fact I just finished another 2×4 print today! This one is called ‘The roadtrip we’ll take’. It’s 4 layer combo of reduction and multiple block goodness.


I am so tired and need to finish up one of the last assignments I will have in this school. I really want to go to the beach soon, so I need to finish up a bunch of things! Also graduating, ummm, yeah.

Oh my broccoli is ready! You take care alright!


the roadtrip





Life Never Waits, in the Crown Heights Film Festival!


The movie I made earlier this year, Life Never Waits, has been accepted to the Crown Heights Film Festival!

The film will show in Brooklyn, in Crown Heights.

November 4th it’ll be on the big screen, it’s a Sunday! At 2 pm come to FiveMyles, 558 St. John’s Place, Brooklyn (2, 3, 4, 5 to Franklin) and is part of the festival section for younger people (well, it’s got sculpture/puppets that look like toys and is not ‘adult themed’ so that’s cool with me dude…).

Here is a link to the film festival page:

And here is a link to a post about it on the CCNY MFA blog!

If you can, come see it on the big screen!

Thanks for your support!


A still from ‘life never waits’… want to see it huge and moving? Come to the Crown Heights Film Festival!


Ummm, did I already post about my mfa program’s blog?

Probably. But yesterday I just wrote a post on it, which is kind of exciting (just overall, yeah), and actually might describe my internship better than I have described it on here. Or just differently. More.

Here is a little bit of the post – which has a lot more information than this. Fun! Art! More more more! Below I am quoting myself, which is weird, but seems like the best way to show you a piece of the other blog. Also this is time sensitive information – the show is coming down soon – so you’ve got to hurry and come see it if you’re interested.

“Sylvia Netzer’s show, Whorl, is currently up at A.I.R.! Please come see it this weekend or next week, as it’s only up for a short time – and closes on September 30th. Netzer is a ceramics professor at City College, and has been instrumental in the graduate program for a long time. Her sculptural work at A.I.R. is wonderful and you totally have to see it in person! It’s bright, energetic, fantastic, and in the back gallery space at A.I.R. Come over!”

Please check it out, and check back on the programs blog for more posts about our upcoming show, city college rad times, and other fun new york stuff.

Thank you!


crochet event @ HELD

Hi folks,

I am going to have a crochet event and closing party for my show at HELD VEGAN BELTS!

The event will be Saturday November 28th, from 4 to 7 pm.

HELD is located at 3033 NE Alberta St., Portland, OR 97211 and it’s regular hours are 11am to 7pm tuesday through sunday.

I’ve got a bunch of crochet plastic bag sculpture up there, and lots of BRAND NEW PAINTINGS!

I will also be teaching people how to use plastic bags to make yarny stuff! A basic knowledge of crochet or knitting is helpful for this, and maybe some plastic bags, although I will bring a bunch with me too.

Please bring your crochet hooks and some scissors, since I don’t have enough scissors for a large group of people. You will find it much easier to have your own supplies, and then you can continue to work on whatever it is you start at the workshop.


I hope to see you there and then.

Thanks folks!




This is not done, but you get the idea.



Hanging art at HELD Vegan Belts TODAY!


Have you ever wanted to watch an artist hang a show?

Well today is your lucky day!

I will be hanging art (sculptures and paintings) at HELD Vegan Belts! Thats 3033 NE Alberta
PDX, OR 97211… the store is open 11 to 7 Tue. through Sunday, just so you know.

I’ll be hanging while the store is open, so you can come watch art be installed, come look at (buy!) some belts that are the best and strongest and most cool ever, and hang out with rad people.

Just letting you know about this… it’s going to be fun.

I’ll post photos of the installation soon.



Exciting plans for November show at HELD Vegan Belts!


I am really excited, I talked to my friend Micah today, who’s just opened a new store…

So! In November you will be able to visit a new installation of my crochet reclaimed plastic sculptures at the fabulous new & wonderful HELD Vegan Belts – that’s 3033 NE Alberta. Come over to see the art after the 6th. Please come visit this wonderful new store, and see my sculptures up close! HELD has belts and such made of reclaimed material! Very vegan & no carbon footprint! They are the coolest belts ever, and some of the best people you will ever meet. Please come support them and me by coming by the store!

On Friday November 6th there will be a fundraiser event for one of the folks who started HELD. He recently had a cancerous tumor removed from his head – which was, of course, very expensive. The fundraiser will help him pay for some of these crazy expensive bills. This super fabulous event will include music, a raffle (with rad prizes), and lots of other fun things. My art will be up too, and if you buy a piece of my art during the event a percentage of my sales will also go to his medical bills. If you want more information about this event please contact me and I will give you details. Here is the HELD website so you can see the coolest belts ever:

I will have a closing event for my show at HELD too, for Last Thursday, November 26th. I will update you about this closer to the event itself.

Thanks for your support!



k spain guardian tip

abstract landscape workshop for kids

Oh! I forgot to put this in here…
yesterday I did a workshop at a community center in NW portland. For kids.
I showed them how to make abstract landscape paintings.
We did small paintings on paper, kind of like cardstock. They were tempera and acrylic. I brought books and showed them pictures of abstract paintings, landscape paintings and abstract landscape paintings. We talked about Georgia O’Keeffe and about our favorite places in the world.
Then we painted.
It was super fun!
I also brought a painting I’ve been working on and showed them what I do and talked about abstraction.
There were a large age range of kids. Maybe 6 to 10?
They did amazing paintings! Just gorgeous.
One boy painted Oaks Park, a local small amusement park. One boy painted like 4 paintings. One girl did this beautiful bright striped painting.
I just wanted to share this.
It was very fun!