hi folks!

today i went to HELD Vegan Belts and was going to take down my sculptures… well, I reorganized them. so many of them are still over there. for now!

along with the wonderful work of robin and aran selki, which includes beautiful paintings and gorgeous amazing puppets!

micah perry, the fabulous, told me some great things about the sculptures too! he pointed out that they are made from petrolium, once alive (in ancient times), and when i retrieve them after their “life” in their discarded bag state – i breathe new life into them again! thank you micah! i need to quote him instead of summarizing. it was a very eloquent description and it made me nearly cry! so cool! micah is smart, and knows how to talk about art. he is awesome! he runs held, you should go talk to him, he’s often there. 3033 NE Alberta st, portland.

the sculptures will be moved around soon again too, for your viewing pleasure.

i also will be painting a little (ok, maybe 2 by 6 feet?) mural in HELD soon! stay tuned for details about this. i know, so far, that it will include birds smoking cigarettes and probably gossiping, and a rocket. maybe i will surprise you with the rest. should be fun!

i’ll post when i start, and maybe some drawings of ideas, then you’ll have to visit to see me working on it! i’m super excited. i really really really love painting murals, but haven’t worked on one for 6odd months! ahh! that long? that makes me feel weird. i need more big painting in my life. i just want to paint big! dang.

ok, have a great evening.



those are a couple of photos taken at held by my friend.

Photos of HELD show

Hi All Y’all,

Here are some photos of the show at HELD.

The art will be up for another week maybe, maybe less, so if you are in Portland and you do want to (but haven’t yet) see the work, the store is open 6 days a week, from 11 to 7. No mondays, you know, it’s Portland. The address again is 3033 NE Alberta.

Last night I had an event, and taught a few people how to make yarn from plastic bags. It was fun!

When you do go in to the store, you might get to talk to one of several good friends of mine who run the store. The belts are made from reclaimed discarded material. They are the strongest belts in the world, upcycled, amazing, and cute!

So, here are some pictures.


Katie Simpson Spain

so excited!!!!

hi folks!

it’s been a bit since i posted anything, i’ve been distracted by cranberries, mashed potato, cashew ‘cheesecake’, and things like that. but now that it’s black friday, and i don’t want to buy anything, i’m getting ready for the next fun things.

o i am so excited about tomorrow!!!!!!!
the event at HELD is  going to rock! please come see my work and if ya want i will even teach you how to make plastic bags into yarn! OMG!

i hope to see you soon, in between 4 and 7 tomorrow evening, saturday november 28th, 2009, at HELD (3033 NE Alberta, in Portland). it’s going to be so much fun!

ok, i am going to eat things now…


ps i am going to move my studio over like 3 spaces, within the same studio warehouse of fabulousness, Switchyard, and i will post updates about that as it happens. so far i’ve just been organizing a little, and packing up small things into the only boxes i have. it’s only like a 20 foot move, but i still need some of that packing magic to happen so it’ll go smoothly.

fun times!

Hanging art at HELD Vegan Belts TODAY!


Have you ever wanted to watch an artist hang a show?

Well today is your lucky day!

I will be hanging art (sculptures and paintings) at HELD Vegan Belts! Thats 3033 NE Alberta
PDX, OR 97211… the store is open 11 to 7 Tue. through Sunday, just so you know.

I’ll be hanging while the store is open, so you can come watch art be installed, come look at (buy!) some belts that are the best and strongest and most cool ever, and hang out with rad people.

Just letting you know about this… it’s going to be fun.

I’ll post photos of the installation soon.



Exciting plans for November show at HELD Vegan Belts!


I am really excited, I talked to my friend Micah today, who’s just opened a new store…

So! In November you will be able to visit a new installation of my crochet reclaimed plastic sculptures at the fabulous new & wonderful HELD Vegan Belts – that’s 3033 NE Alberta. Come over to see the art after the 6th. Please come visit this wonderful new store, and see my sculptures up close! HELD has belts and such made of reclaimed material! Very vegan & no carbon footprint! They are the coolest belts ever, and some of the best people you will ever meet. Please come support them and me by coming by the store!

On Friday November 6th there will be a fundraiser event for one of the folks who started HELD. He recently had a cancerous tumor removed from his head – which was, of course, very expensive. The fundraiser will help him pay for some of these crazy expensive bills. This super fabulous event will include music, a raffle (with rad prizes), and lots of other fun things. My art will be up too, and if you buy a piece of my art during the event a percentage of my sales will also go to his medical bills. If you want more information about this event please contact me and I will give you details. Here is the HELD website so you can see the coolest belts ever: http://m3house.org/HELD/

I will have a closing event for my show at HELD too, for Last Thursday, November 26th. I will update you about this closer to the event itself.

Thanks for your support!



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